Friday, June 27, 2014

Sidetracking from my family's visit and travels for a bit...

The students have been cracking me up lately! I love the small, unexpected moments that make me laugh with them... kids are pretty awesome.

One elementary boy told me that he had eaten Korean soup over the Winter Break... and it had red broth the color of my hair. The noodles were "the curly-kind noodles"... just like my hair. So... when he was eating his soup, he kept thinking that he was "eating Ms. Stacia's hair!" Hahaha.

...It reminded me of the child in Vietnam when I first arrived, who called my hair, Noodle Hair.

And it does seem fitting... especially in one of my favorite photos (taken by my friend Marc Hughes from Denver at a past Crawfish Broil get-together). Marc took a great photo of me and my good friend, Andy Lynes... and then I cartoonized this bit of it:


I still don’t feel to old to be dressing up on Halloween and I hope I don’t for a long time. Last Halloween we went with a super hero theme. Ever see the movie Kick Ass and Hit Girl? A lot of people didn’t to our surprise! But we did and loved it so when we saw the costumes it made perfect sense.
When I was creating the layout for Halloween I decided to do something different with the photos to really showcase those funny superhero costumes.

Create Cartoon Character or Picture of Yourself – Top 11 sites

Creating a cartoon character or picture of yourself (also known as avatar) is very easy and fun. You can easily create one using the numerous free applications available online. Here we list the top 10 websites that you can use to create a cartoon character or picture of yourself.
An avatar or a cartoon picture is cool to have and also can be helpful. It sets you apart from all your friends who have plain old photo. It also creates a sense of mystery by hiding the actual you!
So, how can you create a cartoon character or picture of yourself?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Top Free Websites Creating Cartoons Using Photos

Upload then Convert – Curious, huh?
I’m interested in creating cartoons.Before I found those free websites.I tried to create cartoon by photos on Gimp and Photoshop.However the results were not my expected.Because it requires great painting skills.Then I searched for some websites online.I created free cartoons without any effort there.I only needed to upload a picture on those websites.Then photo was converted into a cartoon.Here are some cartoonized photos I played around on those websites.
Top Free Websites Creating Cartoons Using Photos cartoon avatar

Cartoonize Yourself -9 Best Fun Websites

Converting your picture into a cartoon avatar is a fun and interesting thing to do when you are getting bored or feeling to get some likes from social media. Getting a like on face book from your whole friend list by uploading your photos in cartoon characters just like you, isn’t it fun? You can make different cartoon avatars that look just like you or converting your picture into one through a number of websites on the internet. “Cartoonize yourself effects” adds a funky look to your picture; many designers make their pictures by converting them in cartoon avatars which add a creativity element to the image.

10 world best online photo editing

Want to edit photos so unique and cool funny? But confused because they can not, maybe you should try to edit photos online on internet
yes photo editing can now be done online because the Internet has been widely circulated photo editing site with many features obligatory photo effects you try
as an example is photofunia on the site so you can edit your picture by adding more cool photo effects, frames, or frames, the example picture below
The new version

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Best websites to convert your photos into a cartoon character online for free

Want to make a fun with your own photos? May be you would like to do. Actually here we are talking about creating your own avatar or converting your photos into a cartoon character with the help of some great websites. Converting your own photos into a cartoon character is really a more funny and interesting things on the web, which makes you something different or stands out from others. Are there any places available on the web where you can convert your photos into a cartoon character? Definitely, there are several best websites available on the web that allows you to create your own avatar or convert your photos into a cartoon character online absolutely free. Among of several great websites how to know which one are so perfect and most popular? So keeping these issues in mind, here we have compiled top best websites that convert your photos into a cartoon character as well create more funny avatar for you without any cost.

Sites To Create your own avatar

Here is a treat with some services creating avatars:
Considered one of the best services and most used by users in forums and social networks, just go the site and create your avatar your way.

Just upload a photo that you can create a cartoon or Avatar.
befunky cartoon avatar profile befunky avatar Uvatar profile

Creative Ways to Use Old School Portraits

Here are 4 cool ways to repurpose school pictures from “back in the day.” With today’s embrace of retro images and digital art, you’ve got an interesting combination for creativity.

1. Make Face Collage Art
The more old pictures you have, the better. School yearbooks are great for this purpose. You can also find millions – literally millions – of old school pictures online. Shutterstock is just one of many sources, and it’s got lots of free photos.
These are good projects for kids. Give them sheets of yearbook pages and scissors. Instruct them to cut out just faces or the face and shoulders. Yearbooks are cool because most have lots of pictures of sports teams, dance teams or the band in action.
Think of a theme for the collage – a zoo theme for example, or a Christmas or Hanukah theme.

Monday, June 23, 2014

15 Enjoying Websites – How To Cartoon Yourself?

Cartoon yourself websites will allow you to play around with your photo and cartoonize yourself without the need to pay a professional artist. All you have to do is to use one of the websites that allow you to cartoonize yourself. Once you have uploaded a portrait you can start the process.
A caricature of yourself is useful if you do not like to use your real photo as your online avatar. It will be unique, and fun for other people if you use an “cartoon me” avatar online for Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, Gravatar and blog profiles.
No matter what the reason to cartoon yourself is, you can always find an online site that offers a carton your picture service. In fact, Cartoon yourself free websites are very much in demand. In this post, I have compiled 15 formidable websites to cartoon yourself. These sites can provide you the fun makeover you have been looking for. Some cartoon yourself websites also provide tips and tricks to make a cartoon character of you better.

10 Websites to Give Cartoon Effects to Photos

Although we all love our photos, however, it is a great idea to create nice profile avatars using our photos. One way of creating profile avatars is by Cartoonizing yourself. It’s always interesting, and fun to give cartoon effects to photos. You can even use the cartoons and caricatures that you create from your photos on social networking sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and at other places, as well. Nowadays, there are plenty of online tools and applications which help you to convert your photos into cartoons.
Here under we showcase to you a collection of 10 Websites to give Cartoon Effects to Photos.
These come as free online tools which help you to create cartoons from your photos. We have made every effort to provide you with some of the best websites for rendering cartoon effects to your photos. They are easy to use and come with a bundle of tools and editing features, as well.

Friday, June 20, 2014

11 Free Cartoonize Yourself Photo Editing Websites

Most of us were fascinated by cartoon characters we used to watch in our childhood. These animated sketches and drawings seemed to have the capacity to perform amazing feats with a remarkable ease.
Cartoons were not limited to our television screens. Every morning our favorite cartoon characters would come alive in the form of comic strips and ‘funnies’ printed across the pages of our newspapers. Such cartoon strips have long been a regular feature in print magazines as well. They assumed a reality in our lives we could not escape.
No wonder cartoons have retained their appeal for many of us to this day. They are very much a part of our digital world. What is now different, however, is the possibility of us becoming one of these cartoon characters. With the increasingly popular free online image editing softwares, you can now cartoonize yourself and turn back your reality into fancy.

Transform photos into drawings

Here is our selection of tools for applying a pattern effect to a photograph. We have ensured that these four tools provide additional functionality and are of course free.
Note that all these online services require no registration. So you can use the tool immediately.

Befunky: when your photos become sketches
You will soon realize that Befunky is a very complete line editor. And rather than offering an automatic conversion of our photography drawing, we have a plethora of settings.
You can find the conversion option in section sketcher, as well as the different settings you can change: choice of color background or traits sketch, cleaning level to leave out the main element Image detail of the sketch (which will thicken the particular trait).

befunky editor

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to Make Yourself Into a Cartoon Using MyWebFace

Follow these simple steps to create a cartoon of yourself for use as a forum or blog avatar or on Facebook or Bebo etc.
Have a free standing face mirror handy and place it safely on your desk top in a position that enables you to look at yourself while using the PC.
Make Yourself Into a Cartoon Using MyWebFace Step 2.jpg

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Twenty Must-Have Online Image Tools For Bloggers

Old Can With Image ToolsThe Web has definitely gone visual. Pinterest is the latest craze and trend. Various surveys and reports show that the site is a great source of traffic and incoming links to content creators. And the popularity of visual content is still growing. Savvy bloggers turn this visual trend to their advantage.

15 Online Tools To Cartoonise Yourself

The World Wide Web is no less than the Arabian Genie who can grant anything you wish within a split second of time. It has answer to all your queries and performs different kind of task if you feed it with some simple instruction which is certainly going to amaze you. One such magical software that is available on the virtual world is the Cartoonise yourself platforms with the help of which any picture’s animated or cartoon version will be automatically created by the software within a few minutes.
All the aspirants need to do is, feed the software with the picture and click a few buttons. Thereafter, the animated form of it will be created and available to you within few minutes. Thus technology has advanced so much that you need not be a graphic designer to create an animated version of your own picture. Many online platforms are present which you can use for animating a picture. These animated pictures are ideal for using in the social networking sites because you can conveniently put them up without disclosing your true identity.
In this write up, we have compiled a list of the fifteen best cartoonise yourself sites which you can use for getting an animated picture of yourself or anyone else. Therefore, do not waste your time by rummaging round the internet for the best ones as all of them have been included in our site. Enjoy cartoonising your pictures and uploading a wholly new avatar of yourself in the social media sites.

10 Websites To Create Cartoons From Digital Pictures

Avatars for your online profiles need to be entertaining and exciting. For this cartoon images serve better than real images. Using images of existing cartoons is not quite fun; what you need is a cartoon image that looks more like you.
For this purpose numerous web tools offer to create cartoon avatars that you can customize and make them resemble you. Below you will find a list of 10 such web tools. Using these free websites you will have your own cartoon image in no time at all.
Portrait Illustration Maker
Portrait Illustration Maker is a simple web service that lets you create an online avatar from scratch. From the background image to the mouth shape of your character, from the facial hair to the body type, everything is customizable. When you are done, your avatar can be downloaded as a PNG image file. Check out Portrait Illustration Maker @